"Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen." (Alma 26.37)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Hey everyone!

I love you guys ❤️

A lot happened this week, but probably the highlight was getting to see a less active member again. This transfer we've starting meeting with her and it's so cool to see Gods hand in her life.  So we met her for the first time at the temple open house, and a member introduced us. We've been trying to see her forever but she was never home. And then Aoyama shimai and I visited her for the first time and one of her member friends from a neighboring ward was there at the same time in her home, and it was her first time seeing her in like 4 years too. And then we went again just in time for her daughters birthday and were able to serve her. And then the third time we went on the exact day the elder who taught and baptized her 16 years ago came to visit from America. So we gave her a lesson invite and invited her to let her daughter hear the lessons too and she said yes, that was what she wants!! So now we can teach her 9 year old daughter too and prepare her for baptism!

One reason I love being a missionary is that you can really feel the love God has for His children. And you get to see his children progress and come closer to Christ and be happier.

Also Saturday was really crazy. We planned everything out the night before right, but then we start heading out to the area we planned to go to and Aoyama shimai feels that it's wrong and we shouldn't go. So we go back a little and pray and don't know what to do. So we pray again and we both feel like we should go see a member in our ward who is elderly. And it was one of the strongest promptings I've felt so I was worried she wasn't okay, and she didn't open her door, but we wanted to make sure she was okay so we went inside because the door wasn't locked. Lol. And we looked around but she wasn't home. So in the end I guess we intruded into her house, but with really good intentions! She ended up being perfectly okay! And the rest of the day followed similarly as we kept praying for what to do next, and in the end when we came home the outcome wasn't what we expected or hoped, but we knew that we followed Gods will that day, and in the end that is why we are here! Sometimes I get confused when things don't go according to my expectations, or we don't meet our goals, but I know God is in command and as long as we are doing his will, then we are succeeding.

I love you all! Have a great week!!

 Massey shimai

Sapporo Temple Dedication

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry I'm a little low on time today but we had the Sapporo temple dedication yesterday and it was so beautiful. And so special. We got to be with kobayashi shimai the whole time and she is starting on her family history too! It is so special being able to be with them together in the temple, in the house of the Lord. It felt like being home!

Elder Nelson and Elder Stevenson from the twelve apostles came to dedicate the temple, and when they entered the room the spirit was so strong, and unmistakeable. Being there made me so grateful for the Lords plan and that he is in control. And he never ever leaves us alone. That everything centers on the fact that we are His children and He loves us and has given us a family we can be together forever, and that He will take us safely home in the end. I'm grateful to be a missionary and all the things you learn through the experience and all the times you can see the hand of the Lord in the work. Sometimes it is still hard to keep moving or to believe that you're doing okay, but I know that if we hold on to what we know to be true and keep moving, even if we can't see our path clearly ahead, we can and will make it!

Also our investigator with a baptismal date shared with us yesterday all the times she thinks she has felt the spirit and it was so cool to see her recognize it.

I love you guys!

Monday, August 15, 2016


Hope everyone had a good week! ๐Ÿ˜Š
The work here is still moving, we're finding a lot of PIs and new people so hopefully we can help them progress. We set a date for baptism with one of our investigators. She's been hearing the lessons on and off for a long time now, but wants an answer to come soon. Please pray so that her desire to change will strengthen, and she'll be able to focus on that.

One miracle that happened this week was we went to go see a less active member who we've been trying to see for a long time but was never home. Not only was she home with her whole family, but a member from another ward (who I love very very dearly) was there too with her family! It was the first time they've seen each other in about 4 years so it was very cool to see the hand of the lord in that experience. Having her here helped her feel more comfortable with us I think and we were able to learn more about her and her situation.

Also heading up to the tip of our area, we had a prompting to go visit an old investigator who was sick in the hospital for awhile. And she was home and well and wanted to hear the lessons again and was so grateful that we came. She's the cutest.

Our RC got her temple recommend last Sunday to go to the temple dedication! She was worried about it before and didn't want to go but a member helped convince her! Yaaaaaaay!

I'm doing pretty well too. I've realized more lately that missionary work really is life prep, and thou it is difficult at times, I know it prepares us to be the women and men and mothers and fathers God knows we can be. And I'm very grateful for that!
I love you guys!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Riko chan got baptized!!

Hey guys!

Hope everyone is doing well!

The Sapporo temple open house is over and the dedication is coming up this month so we're all excited for that!
Being able to work at the temple everyday we really saw miracles and saw the difference in their attitudes coming in and coming out to the reception area. It was really beautiful and great to learn more about Gods plan for each of His children, and to see people come closer to God in the temple than perhaps they've ever felt before. I loved it so much! Transitioning back into regular dendo (missionary work) has been a little hard but we're trying to take each day at a time.

Our investigator Riko chan was baptized and confirmed this Sunday!
Love her so much! She's come so far and we are really proud of her.  Because of her, I've learned more that God really has a hand in each of our lives and He prepares the way. I learned more about the power of raw faith, when you don't think you can go any further. And from her example of pushing through even when there are unknowns and even when we're scared. She is the best!! The young women were so good about talking to her after church too and being friendly. I love this ward so much.

Sorry it's a little short this week but it was overall a good week. We also will be able to start teaching one of young women's friends next week and we're excited for her.

I love you all! Be safe and enjoy the summer!

Massey shimai